Vine – Coming Soon to Android

vine-app-iconVine? What is Vine?

Since Vine is currently an iPhone app, not everyone will have heard about this new tech which was launched by Twitter in January. It is a ‘video-looping’ mobile service that enables its users to create and post short video clips. Video clips created with Vine have a maximum length of 20 seconds and can be shared or embedded on social networking services such as Twitter. Sounding familiar yet? If not, here is some more information about Vine…

The Vine app allows users to capture and share short looping videos up to 6 seconds long similar to Tweets, inspiring creativity while recording through Vine’s with the in-app camera. The camera only records while the screen is being pressed, giving a great effect with the added audio file.

Vine initially was introduced for iOS users; but Twitter is working on bringing the app to other platforms, especially Android which is due to be coming in the near future. This FREE app allows you to easily capture motion and sound, which is amazing and such a new innovative idea that WE at Zeelous love! Better yet, Vine has submitted an app update to the Apple App Store for a feature that lets you tag friends in videos. Impressive?

Capturing life in motion sure is brilliance; it has taken a new edge in the social media experience, captivating, intriguing and bringing more enjoyment to our lives.

What will YOU create?

How do you feel about this move to Android? (Or Vine in general). Are you as excited as us girls at Zeelous are?

You can read more about the app on the Vine blog:

Shifts in Trends = Shifts in Tradition?


Does a business need to know the demographics of its online audience? Is it necessary to use traditional marketing strategies in the digital world?
These are some of the questions the girls at Zeelous are asking…

Advancements in technology and our growth of the digital age means a business can access information and attract its audience in one humungous community: Social Media.
With numbers of users growing vastly, is there even a need for a company to gather statistical data about populations or age ranges?
Are businesses wasting time (and money) carrying out surveys on audiences’ religious beliefs and interests when it’s readily available with just a few clicks?

Zeelous appreciates the need for numbers and percentages – but if we were to think beyond tradition and towards digital –
is there a need to find the certain characteristics of your audience if they are ALL positively engaging with you via social media?
Of course a business cannot survive without knowing its audience and their needs, but social media has definitely turned traditional marketing on its head.

Here’s a link to another interesting article “Traditional Marketing VS Social Media Marketing”  (

Tell us your thoughts; should we improve with technology or stick with our roots?

Stout with marketing clout!


When considering the few great marketing campaigns of years gone by, there’s always one company that consistently crops up no matter which market segment you ask – Guinness. Their iconic and intelligent adverts have delighted consumers since the early 20th century, but why is it that this Irish stout from Dublin has the power to stick with consumers right up to the bar when other companies that also spend multi millions on campaigns often flounder when it comes to consumer retention?

Nick Britton, Guinness Marketing Manager at Diageo, said that Guinness has a history of iconic advertising and that “Guinness has always been synonymous with iconic advertising and the brand presents great territory to connect with consumers that never settle for the ordinary.”

Perhaps this ‘connection’ with the consumers is the reason these adverts remain ingrained into our thoughts however, how do they account for consumers who actively do not drink Guinness but are still amazed by their advertisements? Perhaps this is the genius of AMV BBDO that attributes to Guinness’ award frequently being decorated with industry praise and awards.

At Zeelous, we decided it was time to look back through Guinness’ marketing history and try out “17:59 – Guinness Time” for ourselves.

The Zeelous Guinness Chart Show

In at #5:


Ok, so we may be a little biased being an all female agency but Guinness’ infamous ‘Fish on a Bicycle’ ad really struck a chord with Team Zeelous

In at #4:

This simplistic advert was created as part of a campaign by J Walter Thompson (JWT) who took over the Guinness account in 1969. “Black Pot” helped to enforce the brand’s uniqueness compared to other beers due to colour and texture and won the brand critical acclaim. We at Zeelous love the fact that this advert is not pretentious or overly intelligent. It is minimalist and focuses around a single idea – the synchronicity between potting the black in snooker and finishing a pint of Guinness – C’est Magnifique.

In at #3:

‘noitulovE’ was another brainchild of AMV BBDO and won the Grand Prix at the Cannes Lions Advertising Festival and Zeelous believe that was rightly so! To communicate to consumers that drinking a pint of Guinness is the fault of millions of years of evolution and was almost preordained throughout science and history is a very clever way of promoting brand awareness. Who wouldn’t want the purchase of their product to be thought of as a basic human instinct?

In at #2:

The ‘Clock’ advert is Guinness’ latest offering to the marketing world and was unveiled in January 2013. Guinness and AMV BBDO almost seem to be retracing their steps back to previous ‘story-telling’ adverts such as ‘Surfer’ and ‘Tom Crean’. Whatever the thinking behind ‘Clock’ we at Zeelous are big fans and love how Guinness seem to be able to consistently personify their brand to identify with day-to-day human life and interaction. Hitting the brand positioning and awareness jackpot again, hey Diageo?

In at #1:

Albeit not the most original choice for the top spot but this is undoubtedly, in our opinion, the best advertisement created by Guinness with few competitors or even companies in general ever coming close to this level of creativity without being too random or too generic. We take our hats off to you!

During this run down of Zeelous’ favourite Guinness advertisements, we are well aware that we haven’t even scratched the surface of any of Guinness’ print ads or even their general marketing strategies that excite us even more. What we have learnt from this however, is that one thing that is for sure; this is a marketing department that truly is ‘Made of More’.

Can Social Media become dangerous?


We at Zeelous love social media and all that comes with it. The connections, the sharing and the online social life we have built up. Twitter is the tool that helped us achieve success in our #Kindercow project and in the future we intend to keep using it, much like everyone else.

So what can be dangerous about it?
First and foremost we can see the personal implications that have been stressed to us over the years about being careful what information we share on the Internet and who we connect with. But what interests us at Zeelous is the power social media has over our society. A perfect example of the way that social media can damage our society is shown in a TV drama called Black Mirror. They’re all about the way we live now and the way we might be living in 10 minutes’ time if we’re clumsy.

Over the last ten years, technology has transformed almost every aspect of our lives before we’ve had time to stop and question it. In every home; on every desk; in every palm – a plasma screen; a monitor; a smartphone – a black mirror of our 21st Century existence. Our grip on reality is shifting. We have access to all the information in the world, but no brain space left to absorb anything longer than a 140-character tweet.
Black Mirror is a contemporary British re-working of The Twilight Zone with stories that tap into the collective unease about our modern world. The three stand-alone dramas are sharp and suspenseful tales with a techno-paranoia plot.

Without giving too much away we at Zeelous think Black Mirror is well worth a watch. Black Mirror shows dangers on society as a whole that can make the world stand still if we are not careful how we use social media. But are we past the point of no return?

The series was shown last year but next time it hits our screens have a watch or alternatively online at 4OD and tell us what you think!

‘Facebook Home’ – a NEW twist on Social Networking

“We’re not building a phone. We’re not building an operating system, but we’re building something that’s a whole lot deeper than just an ordinary app.” – Zuckerberg


NOW if you’ve not heard of this new ‘hype’ then Zeelous will happily explain!
Facebook Home is a new app for Android. It is an innovative way of turning your Android phone into a social phone. Facebook revealed “Facebook Home” software to place the world’s social network front and centre on Android users’ smartphones.

BUT before we get into the ‘nitty gritty’ of Facebook Home and what it is really about, here are some points to consider…

We at Zeelous love our social networking and Facebook is no exception! We each enjoy our own accounts and access them daily. However, would we want Facebook as our phone home screen? We couldn’t say… Would you appreciate the idea of having your phone as Facebook? Or is that not what Facebook Home is about?

Facebook’s new mobile platform is like a home without curtains; your exhibitionism is very much in their interest. But there’s no need to opt out entirely, people spend more time on Facebook than on any other app so a device with the look and feel of Facebook could potentially be hugely popular. Facebook’s use of the word “Home” for the app does reflect though, the site’s attraction to many of its billion users shows this and smartphone users already spend a third of their time on Facebook, so if this is you, then why not make it even easier and get the app for yourself?
WELL… While Facebook Home may encourage us to use Facebook for all our text messaging, phone-number storage, instant chat, and so on, does this mean that Facebook will come to “know” even more about us… Or is this all to sell adverts? Mark Zuckerberg announced that advertising might be coming to Facebook Home’s news feed, which would mean that ads will eventually be houseguests in Facebook Home. (Something for consideration)

If you like having your Facebook life separate from the other functions of your phone, then Facebook Home may not be ideal for you. Would you want your phone dedicated to Facebook all the time? Having Facebook Home might mean that you would have to click through Facebook’s interface before getting to other apps you use, such as Twitter, YouTube, the Internet?

WE at Zeelous think there is much to be deliberated before we ourselves would consider getting and using this app.

If you feel differently or would just like to know more about this app then use the link below where information on the app such as; Cover feed, Notifications, Chat Heads, App Launcher, How to get Facebook Home and Facebook and mobile presence can be found.
Facebook Home: More disruptive than you first thought?
Here at Zeelous WE want to know your opinion! Let us know what you think and feel about this new app!

Email Marketing, Is It Really Worth It?

Is Email really an effective way of marketing? Every single morning I wake up to approximately 15 unread emails all from companies who are trying to sell me something, but the question is does it really work? For us, NO! 

I would argue that email marketing is an outdated way to reach your consumers as every single company is doing it. There is nothing special or outstanding about sending a customer an email, how can you guarantee that the consumer you are trying to reach is going to open the email and act upon it? Thats the thing, you can’t. Image

However, although I think email is outdated it still has its perks. Here are a list of ‘good’ things that email marketing can provide (taken from eMarketing eXcellence, Dave Chaffey, PR Smith):

1 – Relatively low cost, email is substantially less than direct marketing. 


2 – Direct response medium encourages action. Email marketing encourages click through to a website, where the offer can be redeemed immediately. This increases the likelihood of an immediate, impulsive response. 


3 – Faster campaign development. Lead times for producing creative and the whole campaign life cycle tends to be shortened than traditional media. 


4 – Ease of personalization. It is easier to personalize an email than a real physical ‘snail’ mail. 


5 – Options for testing. It is relatively easy and cost effective to test different email creative and messaging. 


6 – Integration.  Through combining email marketing with other direct media which can be personalized such as direct mail, mobile messaging or web personalization, campaign response cab be increased as the message is reinforced by different media. 


Taking on all these points what do you think about email marketing? Do you just delete your incoming promotional emails? What do you expect a company to do to grab your attention? Let us know your thoughts!

Apple’s iAd’s

Have you encountered an iAd yet?

Do you even know what an iAd is?

Let Zeelous clear that up for you straight away! Apple have created an innovative way to advertise new products by making adverts in which we can interact with! You can find these iAd’s on an iPhone, iPad and iPod touch – as you can probably guess, Apple only let people see them by using their own products. Brands such as BMW, Nissan, Maybelline and even Evian have created iAd’s to let people interact with their products.

One particular iAd which we find very clever is the one created for the “BMW i”. The iAd allows you to see how the BMW i is created then check out the full exterior and interior of the car once it’s built. When looking at the inside of the car, you can use your iPad as though it’s a camera lens look around the car in every angle, wherever you face the iPad is the area of the car which you see.

2011 BMW i iAd campaign.

See for yourself!!
Somehow we can’t see iAd’s being the new main form of advertising as it takes far too long to see all the features in each one! However, we are enjoying playing with them whilst we’ve nothing better to do, maybe make them less time consuming in the future please, Apple!

Samsung Galaxy Note!

Samsung Galaxy Note IIWe at Zeelous LOVE the new Samsung Galaxy range!
The Samsung Galaxy Note II is the revolutionary handset that has created its own genre in the mobile market by pushing the boundaries with its functionality and creativity!
The phone gives you the option to sketch, take notes or draw on any aspect of the screen with its clever S-Pen technology.
Samsung boasts about its powerful chipset, HD screen and innovative attributes, allowing users to express themselves freely on the massive touch screen with maximum multi-tasking features.

The futuristic Note has been dubbed the “PHABLET” by reviewers across the internet, having all the practicalities of a mobile along with the productivity of a PC.
With thousands of apps available to personalise this portable tablet-phone, Note users are given a brand new world to explore their creative abilities and express themselves freely as well as making calls, texts and using the web like any other smartphone.

What’s not to love?!